According to "'Homework revolt': Time to give kids a break?" article posted in the week magazine on June 16,2011, student are receiving a lot of homework's and for that they are not getting the right education. American students are getting more homework's and less sleep according to the article. In my opinion students can improve their performance by focusing on two things.
First, mixing entertainment with the education system. This is the Facebook and Youtube generation; statistics shows that people can concentrate for 10-15 minute during a lecture and this was 10 years ago. Nowadays people can be concentrating for only 7-8 minutes, this reduction happened after the internet was invented and the speed of knowledge exchange has increased. Therefore, it is important to adapt the technology and utilize it to its maximum.
Second point, knowing what kind of information are needed to be taught to the students. I have a great example to explain this point, Nikki Mattson a teacher at the IECP she is a model of how a great teacher should be. Nikki is pushing her student to make sure they are learning and getting the best knowledge during the semester, by utilizing many tools during her class. In some occasion she use Youtube to help us understand the reading passage, she make her student to use Blogger and provide them with feedback so they can improve their writing skills, and she try to help the students to expand their vocabulary by playing some games and solving some puzzles. Nikki knows that most of the student are applying for universities and so that they need to learn how to learn the academic English.
To summarize my two points, the education system should focus on the quality and not the quantity. students can do a lot of homework's only if they are enjoying it just like they are enjoying watching TV or playing with friends.
First, mixing entertainment with the education system. This is the Facebook and Youtube generation; statistics shows that people can concentrate for 10-15 minute during a lecture and this was 10 years ago. Nowadays people can be concentrating for only 7-8 minutes, this reduction happened after the internet was invented and the speed of knowledge exchange has increased. Therefore, it is important to adapt the technology and utilize it to its maximum.
Second point, knowing what kind of information are needed to be taught to the students. I have a great example to explain this point, Nikki Mattson a teacher at the IECP she is a model of how a great teacher should be. Nikki is pushing her student to make sure they are learning and getting the best knowledge during the semester, by utilizing many tools during her class. In some occasion she use Youtube to help us understand the reading passage, she make her student to use Blogger and provide them with feedback so they can improve their writing skills, and she try to help the students to expand their vocabulary by playing some games and solving some puzzles. Nikki knows that most of the student are applying for universities and so that they need to learn how to learn the academic English.
To summarize my two points, the education system should focus on the quality and not the quantity. students can do a lot of homework's only if they are enjoying it just like they are enjoying watching TV or playing with friends.